
Heirloom Tobacco
surface grain:
Full Grain
1.0 - 1.2 mm
special effects:
Extreme Natural Markings
finish origin:
hide size:
50 Square Feet square feet \(approximate\)
A (View our Leather Protection Guide for further instructions)


note: Natural color will vary by hide. Remember that a swatch is a general representation of the leather's color and texture, not an exact match. Scars, marks and branding are not flaws but rather are proof of authenticity. Expect color variation.


DESCRIPTION: A true story of sustainability, Heirloom was designed to celebrate the inherent imperfections of hides that would normally be turned into finished leather because of their natural markings and surface inconsistencies. Each hide of this leather tells a dynamic visual story that exudes rich character and authenticity. Heirloom's soft, supple hand and striking natural shading are perfect complements to this leather's distinctive attributes.