
St. Croix Ruby
surface grain:
Full Grain
0.9 - 1.1 mm
special effects:
Wax and Oil Pull-Up
finish origin:
South America
hide size:
48 Square Feet square feet \(approximate\)
A (View our Leather Protection Guide for further instructions)


note: Natural color will vary by hide. Remember that a swatch is a general representation of the leather's color and texture, not an exact match. Scars, marks and branding are not flaws but rather are proof of authenticity. Expect color variation.






DESCRIPTION: St. Croix was designed in Italy to display a sophisticated and subtle crackle surface. Each hide is lightly touched with oil and soft waxes then receives a light polish to create unmistakable elegance and warmth. The oil and wax application produce a rich color burst when pulled that creates the authentic leather look desired by so many consumers today. Expect St. Croix to recover well if scratched.